Become a Member

New Members

Wondering what is required to become a member of our church family?  We've provided some information below that explains how that can happen for you.

Profession of Faith
If you desire to commit your life to Follow Jesus and follow his example by being baptized, we will welcome you as a new believer and a new member.

If you are a believer who has committed your life to Jesus previously, but have never been baptized by immersion, you may join us through immersion baptism.  Not only is immersion baptism taught in scripture, it is a public testimony of your salvation and is symbolic of Christ's death, burial, and resurrection.

Transfer of Letter
If you are a Baptist and a member of a Baptist church elsewhere, we will take care of the details of transferring your membership to BVC.

Statement of Faith
If you are a believer who has been baptized by immersion in a church of similar beliefs, or if you were once a Baptist church member but your records are no longer available for transfer, we will gladly accept you upon your statement of having been previously saved and baptized by immersion.

Still Have Questions?
We are sure you do!  Please contact one of our elders or ministers on either campus and they'll be happy to set up a time to talk.