5|S Conference
Adults All Church Women's Ministry
The 5|S Conference this year features Vance Pitman, president of Send Network and founding pastor of Hope Church Las Vegas. Our focus will be on the Shine habit and how we can better reflect the life of Christ to those around us.
Cost is $10 per person.
Cost includes breakfast, childcare, two large group sessions, and a breakout session. Childcare is available for birth to 5th grade. 3rd graders and above can either register to attend all conference sessions (including a breakout session for kids and students) or remain in childcare.
Register your attendance and choose ONE Breakout Session on the form below. Please contact Jonathan Lock or Micah Hayes with questions or call the church office at 913.897.9669. Visit the Marketplace to pay your $10 conference fee.
Childcare is provided for birth-5th grade for members and regular attenders of Blue Valley Church.
Breakout Sessions
Shining in My Workplace
Shining in My Neighborhood
Shining Cross-Culturally
Shining in My School (3rd to 12th grade)
Each person in attendance must choose ONE breakout session on the form to attend.