Mom Connection

BigKIDS littleKIDS Adults Moms Women's Ministry

Tuesday, February 13th

Join us for a special "Dessert in a Jar" meeting.  We'll bring dessert parfait ingredients to fill 2 jars for each person - one to enjoy and one to give to a neighbor!  We have also rescheduled our speaker, Eriko Her, to present on postpartum and maternal mental health on this date!

Come join Mom Connection: A place for moms to connect authentically, encourage each other, and support one another through the ups and downs of life. A place to learn about engaging as Jesus followers and how this affects our purpose as wives, mothers, and friends. If you are a mama of any aged children, you are welcome to join us.

Mom Connection Fees*
SEMESTER dues - $30
YEARLY dues - $50
ONE-TIME Yearly Childcare Fee - $15/family, if applicable.  

For more information contact Mallory Mann, Mary Adamek or Ashley Wustoff.

Event Coordinator Mallory Mann

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