Mom Connection

BigKIDS littleKIDS Adults Moms

Tuesday, May 14th

Join us for our last meeting of the school year!  We will conclude our focus on hospitality with our last devotion from Jen Schmidt's book, Just Open the Door, and then play games with our table groups!

Come join Mom Connection: A place for moms to connect authentically, encourage each other, and support one another through the ups and downs of life. A place to learn about engaging as Jesus followers and how this affects our purpose as wives, mothers, and friends. If you are a mama of any aged children, you are welcome to join us.

Mom Connection Fees*
SEMESTER dues - $30
YEARLY dues - $50
ONE-TIME Yearly Childcare Fee - $15/family, if applicable.  

For more information contact Mallory Mann, Mary Adamek or Ashley Wustoff.

Event Coordinator Mallory Mann

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