Women on Mission
Adults Women's Ministry

Women on Mission (WOM) is an informal group of women of all ages who have a heart for ministry and missions. We meet on the third Tuesday of the month, September through May, at 9:00am at the Annex to hear speakers from various missions or ministries, to participate in mission projects, to pray for the needs of our church, to send cards of hope to the sick, homebound and/or bereaved, and to enjoy food and fellowship! Occasionally our meetings include an off-site project. We are women who have SURRENDERED our lives to follow Jesus; SUSTAIN our walk through Bible study and prayer; SACRIFICE our time, abilities, and finances to become aware of and meet the needs of people in our community and world; and SHINE with and SHARE the love of Jesus by getting involved in mission projects that help meet the many spiritual and physical needs of our community and world.
February Meeting
Attention MEN and WOMEN--Women on Mission will be hosting our own Ryan Hudnall at our next meeting in the Annex on February 18 at 9:00 AM. He will be sharing about the refugee work in Kansas City through Della Lamb and we are inviting both men and women who are interested to join us. Della Lamb exists to empower its clients to meet the challenges of education, employment, and self-sufficiency in an ever-changing world. Their vision is that every individual will be nourished, educated, and supported in an atmosphere of love and respect to permit them to achieve their full potential. Come join us!!