Women's Ministry
The Women's Ministry of BVC is committed to reaching and ministering to women from every walk of life. Whether you're single, married, a new mom, or ready to mentor another, you'll find a place to connect and grow here.

Mom Connection
Come join us every 2nd and 4th Tuesday from 9a-11:15a, starting September 10. Enjoy a delicious brunch each week, a brief devotion, and activity or speaker focused on this year's theme, "Choose Joy." Being a mom is not always an easy or glorious job, but no matter how old your kids are, come and be encouraged! Invite a friend or neighbor to come find joy as well. Childcare is available until spots are filled.
Mom Connection Fees*
SEMESTER dues - $30
YEARLY dues - $50
ONE-TIME Yearly Childcare Fee - $30/family, if applicable.
For more information contact Mallory Mann or Ashley Wustoff.

Friendship Circle
Friendship Circle is a time when women of faith gather to worship God, learn together through devotions, share praises, concerns, and prayer requests, and offer support to one another. We meet from 9:30-11:00am, usually in homes, on the first Tuesday of each month, September through May. Women of all ages are WELCOME to join us for this casual time of fellowship and encouragement.

Women on Mission
Ladies, are you interested in knowing what Women on Mission meetings, ministries, and projects are all about? If your answer is YES and you are not already on the WOM email list, please contact Delores Hanneman at
to be added to the email list. You are under no obligation to participate in any or all activities but would then be aware of WOM events and be able to participate at your own choosing.
Women on Mission (WOM) is an informal group of women of all ages who have a heart for ministry and missions. We meet on the third Tuesday of the month, September through May, at 9:00am at the Annex to hear speakers from various missions or ministries, participate in mission projects, pray for the needs of our church, send cards of hope to the sick, homebound and/or bereaved, and to enjoy food and fellowship! Occasionally our meetings include an off-site project. We are women who have SURRENDERED our lives to follow Jesus; SUSTAIN our walk through Bible study and prayer; SACRIFICE our time, abilities, and finances to become aware of and meet the needs of people in our community and world; and SHINE with and SHARE the love of Jesus by getting involved in mission projects that help meet the many spiritual and physical needs of our community and world.
WOM Collections
Our Women on Mission group would like to thank all who contributed to our various church-wide projects during the months of November and December. Because of you we were able to provide:
- 770 Christmas cards that were sent to active military
- 85 coats & 6 stocking hats for the Johnson County Christmas Bureau and City Union Mission – JCCB only took children & youth coats; the adult coats went to City Union Mission
- 847 pounds of groceries for Stilwell Baptist Ministries Holiday boxes
Please continue to bring groceries, cleaning & hygiene items for Stilwell Baptist Caring Ministries as the need continues throughout the year. Please place them in the marked bins on either campus. Thank you for your generosity!
Women's Care Team
The purpose of the BVC Women's Care Team is to minister to the spiritual needs of hurting women in our church body. No matter what crisis you're facing, the Women's Care Team is equipped to walk alongside you while offering support, prayer, and spiritual encouragement. Visit the Women's Care Team page for more information or how to reach out for help.