
Summer of Neighboring

"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself." - Matthew 22:37-39

Welcome to the Summer of Neighboring!

Join us on this journey of making a difference right where we are. Together, creating a ripple effect of compassion that extends far beyond the boundaries of our immediate surroundings. Invite your friends, and family, to join in the fun, and let's spread the joy of Christ to our neighbors together!

Stay tuned for exciting events, volunteer opportunities, and stories that showcase all that the Lord is doing. Let's make this summer one to remember by embracing the wisdom of loving our neighbors as ourselves.

Summer Prayer Walk 2024: May 5 - August 11

What is Prayer Walking?

Prayer walking is a spiritual practice where you walk through your neighborhood or community while praying for the people, places, and needs you encounter along the way. It's an intentional way to engage with God and your surroundings, seeking His guidance, blessing, and transformation for the areas you cover.

Download your Prayer Walking Guide today!

Prayer Walking Guide

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