February 28, 2016 | Derrick Lynch
Passage: John 13:31-38
Pastor Derrick Lynch finishes up John 13 looking into Jesus' foretelling of Peter's upcoming denial of Him
Series Information

Pastor Derrick Lynch finishes up John 13 looking into Jesus' foretelling of Peter's upcoming denial of Him
Pastor Steve Scott leads us through part of John 11 which occurs right before Jesus...
Pastor Derrick Lynch leads us through part of John 11 which occurs right before Jesus...
Pastor Steve Scott continues our study of John 11 with the raising of Lazarus from the...
Minister to Students John-Wesley Crockett continues our study of John 11 with the...
Pastor Derrick Lynch extends our study in John 12 by exploring the painful paths we...
Pastor Steve Scott extends our study in John 12 by exploring 3 paths to which...
Pastor Steve Scott explores three remedies for a troubled heart according to John 12.
Pastor Derrick Lynch explores three remedies for a troubled heart according to John 12
Pastor Derrick Lynch explains three aspects of unbelief according to John 12
Pastor Steve Scott explains three aspects of unbelief according to John 12.
Pastor Steve Scott provides three points of dealing with betrayal as illustrated by...
Pastor Derrick Lynch provides three points of dealing with betrayal as illustrated by...
Pastor Derrick Lynch further explores Judas' betrayal of Jesus in John 13.
Pastor Steve Scott further explores Judas' betrayal of Jesus in John 13.
Pastor Derrick Lynch finishes up John 13 looking into Jesus' foretelling of Peter's...
Pastor Steve Scott finishes up John 13 looking into Jesus' foretelling of Peter's...
Pastor Derrick Lynch examines the beginning of John 14 in which despite spending years...
Minister to Children John-Wesley Crockett examines the beginning of John 14 in which...
Pastor Darrin Ray explores three promises that Jesus makes us in John 14:15-31.
Pastor Derrick Lynch explores three promises that Jesus makes us in John 14:15-31
Pastor Derrick Lynch examines the very familiar passages of abiding in Jesus from John 15.
Pastor Steve Scott examines the very familiar passages of abiding in Jesus from John 15.
Pastor Steve Scott leads us through part of John 15 which outlines what friendship...
Pastor Derrick Lynch leads us through part of John 15 which outlines what friendship...
Pastor Derrick Lynch explores 3 reasons from John 15 why the world will hate us as...
Pastor Steve Scott explores 3 reasons from John 15 why the world will hate us as Jesus...
Pastor Derrick Lynch explores God's power, program and promise for our witnessing
Pastor Steve Scott explores God's power, program and promise for our witnessing.
Pastor Derrick Lynch continues our study of the book of John by showing us what the...
Pastor Steve Scott continues our study of the book of John by showing us what the...
Pastor Steve Scott explains how the Spirit of Truth guides His people and glorifies Jesus.
Minister to Children John-Wesley Crockett explains how the Spirit of Truth guides His...
Pastor Derrick Lynch continues our study of John 16 investigating the joy we will find...
Pastor Steve Scott continues our study of John 16 investigating the joy we will find...
Pastor Derrick Lynch shows us three gifts Jesus gives us when placing our trust in Him
Pastor Steve Scott shows us three gifts Jesus gives us when placing our trust in Him.
Pastor Derrick Lynch walks us through the first 12 verses of John 17 showing us why we...
Pastor Steve Scott walks us through the first 12 verses of John 17 showing us why we...
Pastor Derrick Lynch walks us through the rest of John 17 showing us why we are...
Pastor Steve Scott walks us through the rest of John 17 showing us why we are...
Pastor Derrick Lynch explores 4 questions we should ask ourselves as we are studying...
Pastor Darrin Ray explores 4 questions we should ask ourselves as we are studying the...
Pastor Steve Scott goes over 3 responses to truth being on trail that we can learn...
Pastor Derrick Lynch goes over 3 responses to truth being on trail that we can learn...
Minister to Students Jonathan Lock reviews three requirements of salvation from sin as...
Pastor Steve Scott reviews three requirements of salvation from sin as found in the...
Pastor Darrin Ray walks us through the familiar verses in John 19 of the crucifixion...
Pastor Steve Scott walks us through the familiar verses in John 19 of the crucifixion...
Pastor Darrin Ray emphasizes three main points of which we should be reminded as we...
Pastor Steve Scott emphasizes three main points of which we should be reminded as we...
Pastor Derrick Lynch leads both campuses in the conclusion of John chapter 20 to...
Pastor Steve Scott explores the first part of the last chapter in John where Jesus...
Pastor Derrick Lynch explores the first part of the last chapter in John where Jesus...
Pastor Derrick Lynch completes our study of the gospel of John.
Pastor Steve Scott completes our study of the gospel of John.